Longleaf Partnership Council


The Longleaf Partnership Council (LPC) was formed in October 2011. Its organization followed two earlier meetings in the fall of 2010 and spring of 2011 involving some 80 individuals representing diverse agencies and private groups. Recommendations from these earlier meetings framed the LPC, its operational guidelines and structure.  As of 2022, over 115 representatives from more than 60 organizations have served on the LPC, bringing diverse perspectives and expertise to the table that make America’s Longleaf a truly collaborative effort.

The LPC is comprised of 33 members representing non-governmental organizations, state and federal agencies, implementation teams and other collaborative efforts, private industry, universities/research/extension and private landowners. Its purpose is to promote effective communication and collaboration among the large number of partners working to conserve longleaf pine ecosystems across the Southeast. 

The LPC expects to meet face-to-face no less than twice a year and by conference call on an as-needed basis. Check back here to learn more about the activities of the LPC and its meeting schedule.

Current Leadership

The LPC is governed by the LPC Leadership Team which is the planning and coordinating arm of America's Longleaf. The Team includes a chair, chair-elect, and past chair, with each person serving a one-year term in each position.

  • Chair Jamelle Ellis, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
  • Chair-Elect Ricky Lackey, National Wild Turkey Federation
  • Past Chair Jason Dockery, Alabama Forestry Commission

The LPC Leadership Team also includes Federal agency representatives and liaisons.

  • Katy Smith, PhD, Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute as liaison for the Department of Defense
  • Kyle Jones, USDA Forest Service
  • Matthew Vandersande, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
  • Dave Gonzales, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Current Membership
Non-Governmental Organizations
Name Affiliation Email
Carol Denhof The Longleaf Alliance carol@longleafalliance.org
Colette DeGarady The Nature Conservancy colette.degarady@tnc.org
Ricky Lackey (Chair-Elect) National Wild Turkey Federation rlackey@nwtf.net
Brandon Rutledge The Jones Center at Ichauway Brandon.Rutledge@jonesctr.org
John McGuire Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy jmcguire@talltimbers.org
Tiffany Woods National Wildlife Federation woodst@nwf.org
TBD American Forest Foundation
Freddie Davis Federation of Southern Cooperatives freddiedavis@federation.coop
John Morgan National Bobwhite & Grasslands Initiative jjmorga@clemson.edu
Greg Cooper Sustainable Forestry Initiative greg.cooper@forests.org
Katie Moss Forest Landowners Association kmoss@forestlandowners.com
Roberta Moore The Conservation Fund rmoore@conservationfund.org
State Agencies
Name Affiliation Email
Bonnie Stine Southern Group of State Foresters Bonnie.Stine@freshfromflorida.com
Jason Dockery (Past Chair) Southern Group of State Foresters JasonR.Dockery@forestry.alabama.gov
Gary Burger Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies BurgerG@dnr.sc.gov
Chris Jordan Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies chris.jordan@ncwildlife.org
Federal Agencies
Name Affiliation Email
T.J. Wilson USDA Farm Service Agency timothy.wilson2@usda.gov
Kay Reed USDA Forest Service kay.reed@usda.gov
James E. Tillman, Sr. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service James.Tillman@wdc.usda.gov
David Gonzales U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service david_gonzales@fws.gov
Anne Jewell Department of Defense anne.m.jewell3.civ@mail.mil
State Coordination Teams, Local Implementation Teams & Other Collaborative Efforts
Name Affiliation Email
Ryan Bollinger Local Implementation Team Consul ryan_b@longleafalliance.org
David Elliot Poarch Band of Creek Indians delliott@pci-nsn.gov
CC Richmond Louisiana State Coordination CRichmond@wlf.la.gov
Jamelle Ellis (Chair) Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership jellis@trcp.org
Brian van Eerden Virginia Longleaf Pine Cooperators Group bvaneerden@TNC.ORG
Private Industry
Name Affiliation Email
Darrel Pendris Miliken Advisors pendris@millikenadvisors.com
Jonathan Lowery The Westervelt Company Jlowery@westervelt.com
Jesalyn McCurry Southern Company jpmccurr@southernco.com
Name Affiliation Email
Dr. Heather Alexander Auburn University - College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment heather.alexander@auburn.edu
Steve Jack Boggy Slough Conservation Area stevejack@tlltemple.foundation
Private Lands
Name Affiliation Email
Amanda Haralson Private Landowner amandaharalson3@gmail.com
Prescribed Fire Representative
Name Affiliation Email