Longleaf for All

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Longleaf for All was founded as a working group within America’s Longleaf in 2020 and complements restoration efforts by creating a space of belonging for diverse individuals in the longleaf community, as well as accelerating restoration opportunities in partnership with historically underserved and minority landowners, students, professionals, colleges and communities. Because Longleaf for All embodies the priorities of America’s Longleaf, the working group’s principles have also been incorporated into strategies of America’s Longleaf to ensure improvement and enhancement of minority participation in forest-related programs, practices, and activities as well as ensuring all landowners can reap the economic, ecological, and cultural benefits of owning forested land in the Southeast, and that diverse communities are engaged with ongoing efforts.

Since its inception, the group's “Impact Projects" have thrived. These projects, ranging from North Carolina to Alabama, are guided by Longleaf for All’s Barriers and Recommendations document which details the challenges minority landowners face and action steps to address these barriers. These projects are directed by a charter that sets an annual work plan, that is approved by the Longleaf Partnership Council (LPC) and Longleaf Federal Coordinating Committee.

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Impact Projects

The Mentorship Model

The Mentorship Model educates minority farmers about sustainable land management practices. The approach leverages the mentorship of experienced landowners, establishing a culturally relevant and trusted connection between mentors and mentees. This fosters a conducive learning environment where knowledge sharing is more effective.

As an important outcome, the program helps participants build a professional network of forestry, wildlife, and natural resource professionals. This network enables landowners to become more actively involved in land management, boosting their confidence and decision-making skills. As they gain expertise, they are also equipped to mentor other landowners, further expanding the reach of sustainable practices within the community.

Partnering with Historically Black Colleges & Universities

By partnering with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) like Tuskegee University and Fort Valley State University, Longleaf for All aims to restore land, promote education, and expand environmental stewardship among communities of color. HBCUs are crucial in building a resilient and inclusive future in the longleaf landscape, and their contributions in conservation efforts is essential to creating a more equitable and sustainable world.

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Enlightening Outreach Professionals

Longleaf for All aims to equip outreach professionals with inclusive messaging and sustainable restoration strategies to bridge the gap between private lands outreach and longleaf pine restoration, benefiting wildlife, landowners, and industry professionals. Currently, the working group is partnering with the National Wildlife Federation’s Agriculture Team to bring their Grow More ® Outreach Trainings to forestry outreach professionals across the longleaf pine range. 



Rehabilitating Community Forests

Longleaf for All is committed to restoring the iconic longleaf pine ecosystem by developing innovative models for sustainable land management and fostering strong community partnerships, particularly in historically underserved areas. A powerful example of this commitment is the Hoke Community Forest, a 500-acre tract of land owned by the citizens of Hoke County, North Carolina. This project showcases the transformative potential of collaborative initiatives, demonstrating how partnerships between diverse stakeholders can lead to lasting environmental and social benefits for the community. To learn more about the Hoke Community Forest, please visit: https://www.hokecounty.net/578/Hoke-Community-Forest 


Nurturing the Next Generation of Stewards

Longleaf for All is investing in the future of conservation by providing hands-on experiences in forestry, environmental justice, and related fields to equip students with the skills and knowledge to educate communities, promote sustainability, and foster environmental stewardship. These emerging leaders are poised to drive positive change and inspire others to protect our natural world. Longleaf for All is committed to breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive outdoor recreation community, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to connect with nature and become stewards of the land.


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Get Involved

Longleaf for All welcomes collaboration! Organizations dedicated to longleaf pine habitat restoration are encouraged to join forces with this initiative. To connect, please reach out to Tiffany Woods (WoodsT@nwf.org) at the National Wildlife Federation or Luther Jones (luther.jones60@gmail.com), a retired member of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

For additional information about the Longleaf for All Mentorship Model, contact Katrina Koning (KoningK@nwf.org) at the National Wildlife Federation.

ALRI Pine Needles

Project Support

Longleaf for All has received investments from the USDA Forest Service, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the Department of Defense, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.