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Annual Accomplishment Report
America’s Longleaf documents progress each year in the Range-wide Accomplishment Report. These annual updates provide up-to-date statistics on burning, planting, general management activities and land permanently protected through conservation easements or fee simple acquisition. They also feature news about new programs and partnerships to tell the story of our shared accomplishments, challenges and opportunities for America’s Longleaf.
Read the most recent report here.

Conservation Plan (2025-2040)
The Range-wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine (2025-2040) serves as a road map for our work for the next 15 years and builds on the progress from the first Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine (2009). It provides strategic coordination of science-based conservation actions among many partners and stakeholders, to ensure long-term sustainability and resiliency of the diverse longleaf systems—socially, economically, and ecologically.
Read the most recent report here.
Strategic Priorities and Actions
The 3-year Strategic Priorities & Actions document (2021-2024) is a focused look at short-term activities needed to accomplish the goals set out in the Conservation Plan. Specifically, this document/effort outlines how we will best deploy our people, time, and financial resources to make the most impact.
Read the most recent plan here.