2022 Range-wide Accomplishment Report
The 2022 Range-wide Accomplishment Report highlights America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative’s achievements for fiscal year 2022 (October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022) compiled from the many accomplishments of the vast network of colleagues dedicated to this effort. This annual report provides comprehensive insight into the progress being made towards the Range-wide Conservation Plan (2009) across the nine-state historic longleaf range. Restoring longleaf pine forests is more important than ever to help mitigate the global climate and biodiversity crisis in our corner of the world.
In fiscal year 2022, partners across the range recorded 2.2 million acres of longleaf management activities. Since 2010, more than 21.5 million acres of longleaf management activities have been reported translating to positive outcomes for local economies, national defense, rare species, recreation, forest resiliency, wildfire risk, clean air and water, carbon sequestration, and climate change mitigation.