Partnership Council Members

Non-Government Organizations
The Longleaf Alliance Carol Denhof (Past-Chair)
The Nature Conservancy Colette DeGarady
National Wild Turkey Federation Ricky Lackey
The Jones Center at Ichauway Kevin McIntyre
Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy John McGuire
National Wildlife Federation Tiffany Woods
American Forest Foundation TBD
Federation of Southern Cooperatives Freddie Davis
National Bobwhite & Grasslands Initiative John Morgan
Sustainable Forestry Initiative TBD
Forest Landowners Association Katie Moss
The Conservation Fund Roberta Moore
State Agencies
Southern Group of State Foresters Bonnie Stine
Southern Group of State Foresters Jason Dockery (Chair)
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Gary Burger
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Chris Jordan
Federal Agencies
USDA Farm Service Agency* (Ex-Officio Advisory Member due to the agency’s administration of the CRP) T.J. Wilson
USDA Forest Service Kay Reed
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service James E. Tillman, Sr.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service David Gonzales
Department of Defense Anne Jewell
State Coordination Teams, Local Implementation Team & Other Collaborative Efforts
Local Implementation Team Consul Ryan Bollinger
Center for Heirs Property David Bourgeois
Talladega-Mountain Longleaf Conservation Partnership TBD
Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem Partnership Vernon Compton
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Jamelle Ellis (Chair-Elect)
Private Industry
PRT Flynn Miller
Resource Management Service, LLC Jimmy Bullock
Weyerhaeuser Company Dan Perry
University of Georgia – Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Dr. David Dickens
Clemson University – Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology & Forest Science Dr. Thomas O’Halloran
Private Lands
Private Landowner Mac Rhodes
Prescribed Fire Representative
Prescribed Fire Shan Cammack