Celebrating Progress and Promise in DC
“Longleafers” from across the range will gather in the nation's capital on July 22 to celebrate five years of restoration progress while also looking ahead to next steps in advancing the America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative. The series of anniversary events are “not to be missed,” so make plans now to participate!
In the afternoon USDA Secretary Vilsack will moderate a diverse panel of landowners, a state forester, industry and Longleaf Partnership Council members discussing factors in success to date as well as how to sustain efforts in years 6-10. Other speakers include John Conger, Acting Deputy Under Secretary, representing the Department of Defense, and Dan Ashe, Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service (invited).
A reception with awards ceremony hosted by NRCS Chief Weller and USFS Chief Tidwell will follow. The reception itself is sponsored by more than 20 conservation groups, wood products companies and other supporters. To be held in the historic Atrium of the Whitten Building just off the Mall, this gathering promises to a terrific opportunity to mingle with agency leaders, staff of DC-based organizations, Local Implementation Team representatives, and many others while enjoying tasty food and drink as well. A short longleaf video produced by Finished Works in NC will also be premiered.
Please give every consideration to joining America’s Longleaf and its many friends and supporters on July 22. We truly have much to celebrate! Meanwhile, thank you to all of the partners, landowners, resource managers, and other partners that are working together and contributing to bringing back an iconic Southern forest--- the majestic longleaf pine.
Event details are as follows and your RSVP is required:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C.
3:45–4:45 pm – Moderated Panel Discussion
5:00-7:00 pm – Reception and Awards Ceremony
To attend the panel, please RSVP here no later than July 9.
To attend the reception and awards, please RSVP here no later than July 9.
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