NFWF Announces Release of Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund 2024 Request for Proposals
December 01, 2023The 2024 NFWF Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund RFP is now open. The LLSF is a public-private partnership that expands, enhances, and accelerates longleaf pine ecosystem restoration across the historical longleaf range throughout the southeastern U.S. Approximately $30 million in grant funding is available for on-the-ground projects that help accelerate longleaf pine restoration on private and public lands to support wildlife, sequester carbon, safeguard water quality, and increase forest resilience. Proposals are due by 11:59pm (Eastern Time) on Thursday, February 15, 2024.
Celebrating the Nation’s Leading Forest Restoration Effort and Recommitting for Another 15 Years for Longleaf Pine Restoration
November 15, 2023America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative celebrates initial fifteen years of conservation success and announces signing of a memorandum of understanding to renew partnership efforts to restore longleaf pine forests across the South for another fifteen years.
America’s Longleaf Releases Updated Conservation Plan for 2025-2040
October 30, 2023America’s Longleaf debuts the second iteration of the Range-wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine for 2025-2040! With updated strategies and objectives, this revised Conservation Plan will guide our efforts in longleaf restoration for the next 15 years.
Northern-most Longleaf Pine on USFWS NWR Lands
August 23, 2023In 2016, the James River National Wildlife Refuge obtained Virginia native longleaf pine plugs from the Virginia Department of Forestry. Now, the longleaf pine demonstration site is thriving and progressing nicely into the bottlebrush stage.
2022 ALRI Accomplishments Set the Stage for Future Success
July 20, 2023The America’s Longleaf 2022 Range-wide Accomplishment Report celebrates 2.22 million acres of longleaf management activities across the nine-state historic range. This report includes detailed acreage results of longleaf restoration on private and public lands and specific stories showcasing examples of the many individuals, agencies, and projects that collectively contribute to the success of ALRI.
Virginia Security Corridor Sentinel Landscapes Designated
July 14, 2023The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership is thrilled to announce the designation of the Virginia Security Corridor Sentinel Landscapes, which encompass the Potomac and Tidewater Sentinel Landscapes. These designations are the result of five years of unwavering collaboration and dedication demonstrated by ambitious and committed partners within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
NFWF Announces Record $18 Million in Conservation Grants to Restore Iconic Longleaf Pine Ecosystem
June 15, 2023The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation announced $32.7 million in partner funding and matching contributions through the Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund will go toward grant projects to restore, enhance, and protect longleaf pine forests. The largest grant slate in the program’s history will impact more than 500,000 acres of longleaf in all nine states of the historic longleaf range!
Sentinel Landscapes Partnership Announces the 2024 Designation Cycle!
May 26, 2023The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership is now accepting applications for the 2024 Sentinel Landscape Designation Cycle! Apply today to become part of an innovative community working to strengthen military readiness, conserve natural resources, bolster agricultural and forestry economies, and increase resilience to climate change. Five of the current 11 Sentinel Landscapes lie within the historic longleaf range leading to increased protection and restoration opportunities for the longleaf ecosystem!
Sentinel Landscapes Partnership Designates South Carolina Lowcountry Sentinel Landscape in the Longleaf Pine Range and Celebrates Recent Accomplishments
March 22, 2023Important sentinel landscapes updates! The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership designates a new sentinel landscape in the longleaf pine range - the South Carolina Lowcountry Sentinel Landscape, releases the 2022 Sentinel Landscapes Accomplishments Report, and celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the partnership.
Interview With The 2023 Longleaf Partnership Council Chair
February 21, 2023Meet Carol Denhof - plant ecologist, President of The Longleaf Alliance, and the new 2023 Longleaf Partnership Council Chair! Recently, Carol was interviewed on her thoughts on a variety of topics regarding longleaf pine, the importance of private landowners, and the toughest question of all - her favorite longleaf plant!
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