Spring 2018 Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting

June 01, 2018 Meeting Picture Thumb

The Longleaf Partnership Council (LPC) recently met to discuss the progress made in longleaf restoration!  Council members and friends of America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative gathered in Biloxi, Mississippi, on May 14-15, 2018, to discuss the future of longleaf.  

Twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall, the LPC gathers face-to-face to conduct the business of ALRI as well as discuss recent endeavors in longleaf conservation and take the steps to implement any new ventures beneficial to the ALRI mission.  During this Spring’s meeting, council members formed a working group to begin crafting the 2019-2021 Strategic Priorities and Actions, a blueprint detailing restoration efforts for the next three years.  Items on the agenda this year also included the recent Southeast Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Geodatabase project funded by the U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), an update from the Forest Landowners Association, and a report of the past year’s achievements detailed in the 2017 Range-wide Accomplishment Report.  Additional discussion also included the “Million-Acre Challenge” from the U.S. Forest Service, a new project aimed to put an additional one million acres of longleaf on National Forest System lands.

At the end of a successful two days, many longleafers stayed to attend the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation/Southern Company 15th Annual Stewardship Partners Meeting.  This year’s theme, Partnerships that make an impact: Celebrating and Building on 15 Years of Conservation Southern Style, perfectly embodied ALRI’s main tenet – working together towards a shared goal to pursue conservation. 

The LPC looks forward to meeting again in October 2018 for another productive meeting, this time in conjunction with the 12th Biennial Longleaf Conference in Alexandria, Louisiana.


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