NFWF Announces $6.3 Million in Grants to Benefit Longleaf Pine Habitat and Wildlife in Nine Southeastern States

August 30, 2019 Sunshine Through Pine

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Longleaf Stewardship Fund awarded 24 grants totaling $6.3 million to restore, enhance, and protect longleaf pine forests in the Southeast.  These grants will support efforts to conserve more than 316,000 acres of longleaf pine habitat and recover populations of at-risk wildlife.  With non-federal matching contributions, that’s more than $11.2 million going towards longleaf restoration!

Many of our partners received funds to further their longleaf efforts including performing management activities like prescribed burning, translocation of red-cockaded woodpeckers, improving habitat for the RCW, northern bobwhite quail, Bachman’s sparrow, reticulated flatwoods salamander, and gopher tortoise, as well as supporting ALRI’s local implementation teams in their on-the-ground work.  Additionally, projects are being funded to engage family forest owners, especially in those areas affected by last year’s Hurricanes Florence and Michael, to providing technical assistance to restore and enhance longleaf lands.

“America’s Longleaf Restoration effort has brought together a broad cross-section of diverse interest groups to focus on restoring an iconic, imperiled ecosystem,” said Regional Forester for the Southern Region Ken Arney. “The Longleaf Stewardship Fund has been a catalyst for this public and private collaboration and has been an invaluable resource that has helped restore and improve more than 1 million acres of longleaf pine over the past decade.”

Thank you to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for the continued support of longleaf restoration efforts!  Click here to read the announcement from NFWF and here to read the full slate of 2019 grants.


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