Longleaf for All Marks First Year of Accomplishments
IMG 2997

In less than a year, ALRI's newest working group, Longleaf for All, is seeing incredible results in the forestry outreach community. Longleaf for All utilizes ALRI’s network and platform to increase minority participation in forestry-related programs, practices and activities, and help landowners reap the economic, ecological, and cultural benefits of owning forested land.

Local Implementation Team Updates - Fall 2021
Fall 2021 News Photo 1 TLIT

Learn about what ALRI's local implementation teams have been up to the last few months to restore longleaf pine across the historic range in the Fall 2021 LIT update.

NFWF Announces $5.2 Million in Grants to Restore and Improve Longleaf Pine Habitat and Wildlife, Marking a Decade of Partnership Investment in Ecosystem Recovery
NFWF LLSF LLA Vernon Compton

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund, in the 10th year of grant-making through this public-private partnership, announced 21 grant recipients and $12.2 million in partner funding and matching contributions to restore, enhance, and protect more than 415,000 acres of longleaf pine forests in all nine states of the historic Southeast range!

Local Implementation Team Updates - Summer 2021
Summer 2021 News Photo 1 Dan Hannon

From Virginia, down to Florida, over to Texas, and all across the historic range, the local implementation teams continued to advance longleaf restoration through prescribed burning, education, and planting efforts.

New Fact Sheet from LPC Features Longleaf Pine’s Importance to Drinking Water
EPA Source Water Map

The Longleaf Partnership Council is pleased to announce a new communications fact sheet showcasing how protecting and restoring longleaf pine forests can help keep help keep drinking water safe, reliable, and affordable. The fact sheet also highlights how good stewardship can contribute to drinking water and the benefits for water utilities of investing in longleaf restoration. 

April 2021 Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting

The Longleaf Partnership Council members and partners met virtually in April to discuss recent accomplishments, updates, and activities of longleaf restoration. Click the title to read all about it!

2021 REPI Challenge Recipient to Support Longleaf Pine Forests
REPI Challenge 2021 Camp Lejeune

A project benefiting three installations in the Eastern North Carolina Sentinel Landscape is one of the 2021 REPI Challenge funding recipients! Receiving nearly $3.5 million dollars in REPI funds and partner contributions, this project will protect against incompatible development and bolster ongoing conservation efforts, including managing and protecting the longleaf pine ecosystem.

ALRI Celebrates Landmark Year With 2020 Range-wide Accomplishment Report
2020 Accomplishment Report Cover

The 2020 Range-wide Accomplishment Report marks 10 years of accomplishments thanks to the continued collaboration of the many partners that make up ALRI.  These achievements translate to positive outcomes for local economies, national defense, rare species, recreation, forest resiliency, wildfire risk, clean air and water, carbon sequestration, and climate change mitigation. 

Interview With The 2021 Longleaf Partnership Council Chair
IMG 1129 ME Erwin Family

Get to know the Longleaf Partnership Council Chair! Chris Erwin, American Forest Foundation Director of Biodiversity and Southern Region Conservation, veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and lifelong lover of the great outdoors, recently shared with us how he came to be involved in the longleaf effort and his insightful thoughts on the importance of family-owned forests in the Southeast.

ALRI Announces Longleaf for All Initiative
LFA News Photo

ALRI is proud to announce Longleaf for All, a new working group focused on making the Longleaf Partnership Council a better partner for minority and unserved landowners and forestry professionals with the goal of creating a positive change within the forestry and longleaf community. Longleaf for All, with its diverse team of committee members from across the forestry field, will advise the LPC on ways to more effectively build relationships, share information and resources, and provide guidance on how ALRI and partners can enact long-term strategies for inclusion and opportunities.

Local Implementation Team Updates - Spring 2021
Spring 2021 News Photo 3 Keith Tassin

Once again, our longleaf implementation teams were hard at work in their on-the-ground efforts to bring longleaf pine back to the landscape. Earlier this year, we officially welcomed Heartland LIT as our 18th LIT, based in the southern portion of the Florida longleaf range

January 2021 Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting

The Longleaf Partnership Council gathered Council members, partners, and friends of longleaf to hold the now quarterly virtual meeting on January 26, 2021, to update on the ongoing efforts for longleaf pine restoration.

LPC Releases Fact Sheet on Longleaf Pine's Fire Resiliency
Fire Resiliency Fact Sheet Front Photo

The Longleaf Partnership Council is pleased to announce a new communications fact sheet showcasing longleaf pine's unique tolerance to fire as well as highlighting the economic and conservation benefit to planting longleaf and utilizing prescribed burning as a forest management practice.

New SE FireMap Tool Unveiled from USDA NRCS
SE Firemap Logo

The SE FireMap is a new fire mapping system for the Southeastern United States. Developed with funding provided by the USDA NRCS, SE FireMap uses a remote sensing based approach to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands across the range of the longleaf pine. 

NFWF Acres for America 2021 Request for Proposals Now Open

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is now accepting pre-proposals for the 2021 Acres for America program, which funds projects that conserve important large-scale habitats for fish, wildlife, and plants through land acquisitions and perpetual conservation easements. Approximately $3.5 million in funding is available in 2021, and in the past, several grants have been awarded to longleaf projects!

Local Implementation Team Updates - Winter 2021
2021 Winter LIT Updates - Image 1

Exciting work is going on across the longleaf range thanks to ALRI's local implementation teams! Check out all the updates on restoration and education efforts.

Sentinel Landscapes Partnership Announces 2021 Designation Cycle!
Protecting The Gopher Tortoise

The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership is now accepting applications for its 2021 designation cycle! Apply today to become part of an innovative community working to strengthen military readiness, conserve natural resources, bolster agricultural and forestry economies, and increase resilience to climate change.

USDA Invests More than $46 Million to Protect Communities from Wildfires, Restore Forest Ecosystems and Improve Drinking Water

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will invest more than $46 million this year through the Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership for projects that mitigate wildfire risk, improve water quality, and restore healthy forest ecosystems on public and private lands.  Among the eight new projects is "Sustaining Gains in Longleaf Pine Restoration Through Coordinated Cogongrass Control" in Alabama and Florida.


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