2021 Range-wide Accomplishment Report
The 2021 Range-wide Accomplishment Report showcases the successes of America's Longleaf partners from across the historic longleaf range. This annual report provides a snapshot of the progress being made towards the Range-wide Conservation Plan (2009) and how strategic priorities are being accomplished. It is a reflection on the collective efforts made by public and private partners to restore this iconic forest and highlights the benefits of longleaf to our Southeastern communities. The report covers FY2021, which ran from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021.
FY2021 highlights 2.29 million acres of longleaf management activities across the Southeast – the most acreage since America’s Longleaf formed in 2010. Longleaf management actions include new longleaf planting, prescribed burning, land protection, silviculture activities, and other maintenance activities.
These successes translate to positive outcomes for local economies, national defense, rare species, recreation, forest resiliency, wildfire risk, clean air and water, carbon sequestration, and climate change mitigation.
Additional success stories of on-the-ground longleaf efforts: